A Colourful View From The Top
This is a book on a mission to inspire the next generation to dream bigger than they ever thought possible through twenty-one extraordinary stories by leaders of colour achieving excellence in business. Their inspirational journeys contain valuable lessons to help all leaders empower diverse talent to succeed, making their businesses more successful as a result.
“There is nothing more powerful to change culture than stories.”
Jonathan Mildenhall, Co-founder and Chair, TwentyFirstCenturyBrand
The story
The idea for the book was conceived after the murder of George Floyd when the two co-founders of 21CB, Jonathan Mildenhall and Neil Barrie decided that they had to do their part to change the narrative of people of colour. Over the next two and a half years we curated the stories of twenty-one incredible people of colour who have achieved extraordinary success across a number of professions. We call them our luminaries. The book was published by Constable in March 2023.

The Launch
The launch was designed to reflect the mission of the book, creating an intimate, interactive and inspiring experience between our target audience and business leaders of colour.
The event was hosted at the Black Cultural Archives in Brixton, a space devoted to recording, preserving and celebrating the history of the African Caribbean diaspora.
Isaiah Wellington-Lynn chaired a panel discussion with the illustrious luminaries featured in the book who, candidly shared their extraordinary and personal stories of navigating imperfect systems to achieve greatness, and the valuable life lessons they’ve learned along the way.

Events & Publicity

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If you’re looking to work with us: talent@21cb.com
If you’re a client: hello@21cb.com